Intensive In-Home Services
Intensive In-Home is a brief, solution-focused counseling service offered in the comfort of your home. It's designed for children and adolescents under 21 who face the risk of removal or are transitioning back from out-of-home placements due to severe emotional or behavioral challenges.
Virginia Medicaid Enrolled Provider

Home-based services
We provide individual and family counseling, crisis intervention, communication skills development, effective problem-solving techniques, anger management, and interpersonal interaction support. Our aim is to enhance positive family dynamics and foster therapeutic relationships among family members in the home environment. We also offer 24-hour emergency response.
mental health
skill building
Our home-based training program is dedicated to promoting and sustaining community stability and independence for individuals dealing with serious mental illness. We provide training and reinforcement for functional skills and proper behaviors related to health and safety, daily living tasks, utilization of community resources, medication management, and monitoring health, nutrition, and physical well-being.